gregdan3's avatar: a floating yellow star with red bowtie, yellow gloves, and chalk in hand

Too long, didn't read

If you use systemd-resolved and are dealing with a single wireless network device,

sudo dhclient -r wlan0
sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved
sudo dhclient wlan0

This translates to:

  1. Release lease on target network device
  2. Flush DNS cache
  3. Restart DNS resolution service
  4. Request a new lease on target network device

You may not already have dhclient; it's just a controller, not a service, so installing it after the fact will still work.

Wait, that's it?

Well, no. This is why I provided the translation: If you don't use the specific tools or services that I do, you can still go looking for those four translated instructions as they apply to your DNS service and its interactions with your local DHCP server.

You see, my first instinct to figure this out was to google it, but that turned up a dozen different low-context answers, all spread across fifteen years of changes to the Linux network stack. I spent 45 minutes answering

One of the most persistent troubles I have is dealing with self-sabotaging thoughts. Embarassment, guilt, fear, insecurity, the thought that others would judge me for doing something or for not knowing something, and more. These come up all over the place. There's a ton in the world I don't know that my friends do. There's somebody sending a message I'm not getting. A friend's body language conveys something obvious to everyone in the room, except me. Every time something like that would come up, I'd get a hit of embarassment, fear of missing out, frustration, respective to the situation. Then that would spiral into over-thinking and paralyze me.

I lucked my way into a strategy that worked in most situations, helped me focus on what matters, and helped me get through problems that I felt I couldn't resolve alone or turn to help from others for.

It goes something like this:

  1. Separate the problems, concerns, insecurities, and negative feelings you have


I was in a much darker place when I wrote this. I'm writing this preface months later, and choosing to put this out there knowing it doesn't reflect who I am now. But I am not far removed from these problems. I still feel them, and for those problems that are gone, I still feel their effects. But, in reading over this, I felt it was too important to not put out there. If you want to know how I'm doing now, read To Help Yourself that I thought deeply about and put to writing days after writing this.

But so we're clear: I feel passion for my work again. I am excited for my future. I am enjoying my hobbies. And I am fighting for myself. These feelings are fragile, and I don't know what direction they are taking me. But I am better now for the effort I have put into myself.

I feel like I no longer have